How long does Botox take to work? If you're considering the procedure, this is probably a big question for you. Read here to find out more about Botox.

According to the most recent report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Botox was the most sought-after minimally invasive procedure in 2020. Not only that, but interest in this anti-aging treatment has increased nearly 500% since the new millennium.

However, there’s more to know about this treatment than simply how great it’ll make you look. For example, most patients ask us, “How long does Botox take to work?” And, most people are surprised to find out that the effects of Botox aren't immediate. 

Typically, it usually takes 2 weeks for the full results to be visible. Keep reading to learn more about how long Botox can last and what you can expect in the days following your treatment.

What Is Botox?

Botox is a popular cosmetic treatment that uses a purified version of botulinum toxin to temporarily smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The procedure is so popular because it’s quick and relatively painless, and it can be done in a doctor's office. 

How exactly do the injections work, though? Botox works by relaxing the muscles in the face, which causes the overlying skin to appear smoother.

It’s important to note that while Botox is a popular anti-aging treatment, you can also get Botox injections for other issues such as migraines and excessive sweating. This is because Botox works by blocking nerve signals to the muscles, causing them to relax.

If you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry and need to help reduce a gummy smile, Botox can also be a solution. It will help relax the muscles surrounding your upper lip and therefore can reduce the amount of gum space you see when smiling.

While Botox is generally safe, some potential side effects include bruising, headaches, and drooping eyelids. However, these side effects are typically rare and temporary.

What is a Botox Procedure Like?

Whether you’re interested in Botox as a potential anti-aging treatment or are interested in incorporating it into your dental procedure for something like TMJ, most Botox procedures are the same. Here’s what to expect.

Preparation Before Botox Procedure

We’ve heard a lot of questions about a Botox procedure, particularly when it’s part of a dental procedure working to accomplish something other than anti-aging effects.

How long does the procedure take? How much will it hurt? How long will the results last? Luckily, preparing for your Botox appointment is relatively simple. 

First, be sure to choose a reputable provider who has experience performing the procedure. Additionally, you’ll want to avoid alcohol and aspirin for at least two weeks before your appointment, as these can thin the blood and increase bruising. 

Finally, make sure to arrive at your appointment freshly cleansed and makeup-free, as oils and makeup can interfere with the injection process. By following these simple steps, you can help ensure that your Botox experience is safe and successful.

During a Botox Procedure

On the day of your procedure, the Botox injection takes just a few minutes. First, your specialist will cleanse the area with alcohol. Typically, they’ll also help numb the surrounding area with topical numbing cream.

Once the area is numb, they will insert a small needle at various points in the surrounding area to be able to inject the Botox into the muscle tissue. There is usually no discomfort, although some people may experience a slight sting or mosquito bite sensation. 

Once the injection is complete, they’ll cleanse the area and might have you apply a cold pack to reduce swelling. Within a few days, the treated muscles will begin to relax, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance.

This procedure is the same regardless of what you’re treating. However, what changes are where the injections go. For example, with a gummy smile, the small injections go into the muscles that control the lips. This relaxes the muscles and gives the lips a more natural appearance. 

As a treatment for TMJ, however, we inject Botox into the muscles surrounding your jaw and joint areas. This works by relaxing those joint muscles and therefore prevents you from overusing them.

What to Expect After Botox

Most people experience only minor discomfort after a Botox procedure if any at all!

The injections are usually well tolerated, and the side effects are usually mild and temporary. These may include redness, swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the injection site. These side effects should resolve within a few hours. 

What’s most important is that you avoid rubbing or massaging the injection site, as this can cause the Botox to spread to other muscles. You should also avoid lying down for at least four hours after the procedure. 

Finally, it's essential to avoid exposure to heat or sunlight for at least 24 hours after your procedure. This includes saunas, hot baths, and sun tanning.

If you have any concerns or experience any more severe side effects, you should contact your doctor. Overall, most people are pleased with the results of their Botox treatment and find that the benefits outweigh any temporary discomfort.

Botox Results: How Long Does Botox Take to Work?

Now it’s time to answer the big question: how long does Botox take to work? As mentioned above, the results are fairly immediate. Unlike other types of anti-aging treatments (such as Radiesse, for example), they’re not necessarily progressive.

In general, Botox takes about 48 to 72 hours to fully relax the muscles.  Some doctors recommend waiting until 10 to 14 days to make sure the Botox has settled and full results are acheived.

While we specialize in Botox injections for dental purposes, here is a quick breakdown of how long you can expect to wait until you see results with Botox.

Botox Results on Forehead

How long until you see Botox results on your forehead? For most people, it takes about a week to see the full effect of Botox. 

In the first few days after injection, you may notice that your forehead looks smoother. The full effect usually kicks in 2 weeks, and you should see a noticeable reduction in wrinkles.

Botox Results in Crow's Feet

It typically takes about two to four days to see results from Botox for crow's feet, and the results last for about three to four months. 

As mentioned, Botox works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles that cause wrinkles, so you'll start to see a reduction in the appearance of crow's feet within a few days of treatment. 

The full effects of Botox usually peak after about two weeks. After that, you can expect the results to gradually start to wear off as the muscles slowly regain their ability to contract. However, over time, repeated treatments can help to lengthen the intervals between touch-ups.

Botox Results in Jaw

It is important to note that Botox is not a cure for TMJ, but rather a temporary measure to help alleviate the symptoms and weaken the jaw muscles over time. How long it takes to see results can vary from person to person, but most people will start to notice a difference within a few days to a week after treatment. 

The effects of Botox typically last for 3-4 months, at which point another injection may be necessary to maintain the results. For some people, Botox can provide long-term relief from TMJ symptoms, while others may find that the injections need to be repeated on a regular basis.

Botox Results in Smile

The results of Botox injections as a treatment for a gummy smile are nearly immediate. After you leave your appointment, you will be able to feel the difference in your ability to smile as wide as you did before. 

However, depending on the individual, it can take anywhere from 24 hours to a few days to see the full effect of Botox. In most cases, patients will see a noticeable improvement within the first week. However, it is important to keep in mind that results may vary from person to person. 

What Does Botox Feel Like When It’s Working?

Aside from simply wondering how long Botox takes to work, we get a lot of questions about how you can “feel” when it’s working. The answer is that you shouldn’t really “feel” anything aside from pain relief in the case of TMJ treatment.

Immediately after the Botox is injected, you may feel a bit of pressure or tightness in the treated area. But this should quickly go away. 

Some people also experience a headache the day of or after getting Botox, but this is usually short-lived and can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain medication.

Overall, most people say that getting Botox is a fairly simple and straightforward process with minimal discomfort. You’ll know it’s working because you’ll see reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and the skin might appear slightly “tighter” than before with reduced movement.

How Long Does Botox Last?

Now that you know how long Botox takes to work, what about the duration of its effects? Despite its reputation for being a quick and easy way to achieve a youthful appearance, Botox is actually a fairly long-lasting treatment.

The results of Botox injections typically last for three to four months, though touch-ups may be necessary to maintain the desired results. However, it is important to keep in mind that the length of time that Botox lasts will vary from person to person.

Factors such as age, skin type, and the number of injection sites can all affect how long the results of Botox will last. For best results, it is generally recommended that patients receive touch-ups every three to four months. This is especially true if you're using it as a treatment for a pain-related issue such as TMJ.

What Does Botox Cost?

The cost of Botox depends on a number of factors, including the number of units required and the geographical location. Generally speaking, Botox treatments range from $350 to $600 per treatment, at least in Orlando, Florida. However, some clinics may offer discounts for multiple treatments or for new customers.

Additionally, many insurance plans will cover at least part of the cost of Botox treatments for medical reasons. Therefore, it is important to check with your insurance provider to see if your treatment will be covered. If you have questions about that, particularly in regards to a TMJ treatment, please get in touch and we'll help you make sense of your options.

When it comes down to it, getting a consultation for your specific needs is always the best option. No two mouths are the same and speaking with a specialist who can take a look at your case, smile, and potential treatment options is the best way to get a good idea of the overall Botox cost for your treatment.

Start Your Smile Makeover With Botox

Whether you're interested in reducing a gummy smile, fixing TMJ issues, or are perhaps looking for other cosmetic smile services such as fillers for a more symmetrical smile, we can help.

At Aura Dental Spa, our goal is to create healthy smiles, and we believe that when they're also beautiful they can help improve your psychological health and confidence! We offer a variety of treatments alongside state-of-the-art technology and superb client attention.

Click here to get started!